To work at financial markets more effectively, one can develop one's own successful system of trading. It is very difficult to act within a chosen system of trading in the manual mode due to significant influence of normal human emotions. Mechanical trading systems do not suffer from this disadvantage.
Client Terminal gives a large range of means for development and use of mechanical trading systems (MTS, experts, advisors). The development environment allows to create, debug, and test expert advisors. Experts are able not only alert about recommendation trading signals, but undertake the complete control over trading activities online.
MetaQuotes Language 4, MetaEditor and strategy testing tools are built in the terminal. One can create the following using these means:
* Expert Advisors — mechanical trading systems that allow complete automation of analytical and trading activities;
* Custom Indicators — independently written technical indicators intended for analyzing of price changes;
* Scripts — programs to be executed only once, on request.
to find out more about auto trading you can download here
Client Terminal gives a large range of means for development and use of mechanical trading systems (MTS, experts, advisors). The development environment allows to create, debug, and test expert advisors. Experts are able not only alert about recommendation trading signals, but undertake the complete control over trading activities online.
MetaQuotes Language 4, MetaEditor and strategy testing tools are built in the terminal. One can create the following using these means:
* Expert Advisors — mechanical trading systems that allow complete automation of analytical and trading activities;
* Custom Indicators — independently written technical indicators intended for analyzing of price changes;
* Scripts — programs to be executed only once, on request.
to find out more about auto trading you can download here
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