Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

User Interface

User Interface
Interface of the terminal includes the following components:

* Common Window Heading
The program heading includes the current account number, application name, as well as the active chart window name and its period (timeframe).

* Main Menu
All commands and functions that can be executed in the client terminal are collected in its main menu. It contains: "File", "View", "Insert", "Charts", "Tools", "Window","Help".

* Toolbars
Four toolbars are built into the terminal: "Standard", "Charts", "Line Studies", and "Periodicity". The toolbars contain duplicated commands and functions of the main menu. However, these toolbars are customizable, so one can collect only mostly used widgets in them.

* Market Watch
This window contains the symbol list. Commands of this window allow to control trade positions and charts.

* Data Window
This window shows information about prices, as well as indicators and expert advisors imposed. This data window does not allow to perform any actions.

* Navigator
Open accounts, expert advisors, indicators, and scripts are grouped in the navigation window. The "Navigator" can help to control them promptly.

* Terminal
Terminal is a multifunctional window intended for working with trade positions, news, account history, alerts, internal mail, and logs of the program and of expert advisors, as well. Moreover, the "Terminal" window allows to open and modify orders of different kinds and manage trade positions.

* Tester
This window is intended for testing of expert advisors. Besides testing and viewing of various reports, the expert parameters can be optimized in this window, as well.

* Tick Charts
A tick chart is the basis of data analysis. Besides price changes, various analytical objects can be located in the chart: line studies, technical and custom indicators, texts, and geometrical figures.

* Status Bar
For additional information to be visualized, the status bar is used in the terminal. The status bar contains indicator of the server connection, names of active template and profile, as well as command prompts and price data.

* Fast Navigation Tools
Hot keys, acceleration keys, and fast navigation bar are intended for quick work with the terminal. Using of keys allows to execute various commands of the program promptly, and the fast navigation bar makes it possible to move the chart along its time base precisely, change its timeframe, and even the symbol itself.

before you start using trading with MT4 software i recommend you to download this module first


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